Kamis, 30 April 2009

MyLove - Westlife

An empty street, an empty house
I hold inside my heart
I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller.
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together.(oh yeah)

And all my love, I'm holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems soo far

Soo I say it in a prayer
And hope my dreams will take it there
Where the skies are bule, the sea is once again... my love.
All the seasons coast to coast
Find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green, the sea is once again... my love.

I try to read, I know the work
I left them with my friends
But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking. (oh no)
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together.(oh yeah)

And all my love, I'm holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems soo far

Soo I say it in a prayer
And hope my dreams will take it there
Where the skies are blue, the sea is once again... my love.
All the seasons coast to coast
Find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green, the sea is once again...

To hold you in my arms
To promise you my love
To tell you from the heart
You're all I'm thinking of

Reaching for the love that seems soo far

Soo I say it in a prayer
And hope my dreams will take its there
Where the skies are blue, the sea is once again... my love.
All the seasons coast to coast
Find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green, the sea is once again... my love.

Say it in a prayer (my sweet love)
Dreams will take it there
Where the skies are blue (woah yeah), the sea is once again my love. (oh my love)
All the seasons coast to coast
Find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green, the sea is once again.... My Love.

Makhluk Eksotis di Hutan Tropis Guyana

Ikan bertaring pedang adalah salah satu satwa eksotis yang ditemukan di hutan tropis Guyana

Ekspedisi ilmiah yang dilakukan ke dalam hutan tropis Guyana, Amerika Tengah, berhasil mengungkap makhluk-makhluk eksotis yang baru diketahui keberadaannya. Di antaranya ikan lele vampir yang hidup sebagai parasit.

Laba-laba raksasa Goliath

Sekelompok peneliti yang didanai program dokumenter BBC menghabiskan waktu enam minggu untuk menelusuri kanopi-kanopi hutan lebat yang masih alami. Usaha keras mereka terbayar dengan menemukan total dua kandidat spesies baru ikan, satu spesies katak, dan sejumlah kelelawar buah yang belum pernah dilihat sebelumnya.

Katak bertanduk di Guyana berwarna seperti daun-daun yang berserakan di sekitarnya

"Dalam waktu singkat, kami menangkap ratusan spesies, 10 persen di antaranya mungkin baru dalam sains. Ini nyaris mustahil dan sungguh tak terbayang," ujar Dr george McGavin, seorang pakar hewan yang ikut dalam ekspedisi.

Ulat aneh yang ditemukan di sekitar kemah para peneliti

Meski harus dibandingkan dengan sampel spesies di seluruh dunia untuk memastikan sebagai spesies baru, dua spesies ikan diyakini kuat memang baru. Spesies pertama dari genus Hemiodus. Jenis lainnya dari genus Vandellia memiliki gigi-geligi runcing untuk menancap ke tubuh ikan yang lebih besar. Selama ekspedisi, tim juga berhasil merekam ular terbesar di dunia, anaconda. Selain itu, juga ditampilkan elang terbesar di dunia dari jenis elang harpy dan laba-laba raksasa Goliath.

"Kita masih punya pilihan, kita benar berada di persimpangan sekarang. Kita tidak dapat memutuskan apakah akan membiarkannya di alam atau mengabaikan saat dibabat habis," ujar Dr McGavin. Jika tingkat penurunan masih seperti saat ini, kekayaan hayati bisa punah sebelum sempat terekam.
Sumber : BBC

Senin, 27 April 2009

CLIENT for LAN without CPU motherboard

Introduction M-80

The M-80 Smart Station is a Ethernet-based Smart Station client terminal and incorporates our proprietary AoIP(All over IP) technologies on our proprietary SoC (System on Chip). This allows multiple users to share the computing resources of a single computer's CPU, Memory, HDD, etc.
A max of ten M-80 terminal can be attached to one host computer(Up to 30 for Windows 2003 server). A total of eleven users including the server can enjoy individual computing access independently and securely. This M-80 is optimal for use in an office, hospital, home, call center, training center, computer lab, internet cafe, and other various sites.
General Features
Savings to the total cost of ownership
Compared with the total cost of ownership for individual computers, the total cost of ownership for each device is minimal. Purchasing one host computer and multiple M-80 as needed, would allow for 11 individual users access for a small price.
Hassle-free Maintenance
Since there is no CPU, Memory, or HDD, no additional hardware or software maintenance would be required. The host PC is the only device that requires additional maintenance.
Most programs that currently run on windows will run on the M-80 solution without compatibility issues. (3D games and certain programs may not run on the M-80)
Simultaneous User Operation
Both the Host PC and the M-80 can run independently and execute the same applications independently. (Additional Software licenses may be required)
Small sleek design
The space saving design creates more room for your office or desk area.
Energy efficient
Consuming 5watts or lower compared to a personal computer's over 250 watts can amount to a significant savings in the long term.
Supports High resolutions
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 16bit (65,536 colors) .
The M-80 creates a quiet and cool environment due to the lack of a cooling fan or moving parts.
High level of security and improved speed
M-80 's proprietary terminal protocol and 128bit encryption provides you with maximum security, and enhances the speed of computing through image caching and improved protocol performance.
Total Solution
The M-80 provides an all-in-one solution with a Network Terminal and Enterprise Terminal Server Software developed in-house.

- One computer for one user
- Min 250watt power consumption for one PC
- Replacement or upgrades of part of or the whole PC systems in use every 2 to 3 years
- Max. 10 of M-80 can be connect to a computer (max 30 when using Windows 2003 server OS)
- 5 watt power consumption
- Just upgrading the host computer will essentially improve performance for all users.
- Exposure to illegal data leakage Exposure to Virus and computer hacking
- M-80 doesn't utilize external storage.
Service /
- Have to control each individual computers
- Controlling just host computers highly effective centralized control(program installation, deletion, and maintenance)
- Heat and noises from CPU, VGA, Power Supply Fan, HDD.
- Smaller elbow room
- No noise and pleasant working environment.
- Not available
- Portable ultra light terminal that can be connected to the host computer anywhere internet is ready

This product is intended to reduce H/W deployment and maintenance costs. Additional software licenses may be required by the software licensors. Please check your software user license agreement to ensure your continued compliance with such agreement.
Configuration Contents
- Installation CD 1pcs
- DC Power Adapter 1pcs
- M-80 user Manual 1ea (included in the installation CD)
- smartstation Quick Installation Guide 1pcs
Recommendend Host PC System

No of M-80
>2.4GHz P4
> 2.8GHz P4
> 3.0GHz P4
>3.2GHz P4
> 3.2GHz XEON
Host PC MM
Recommended system requirements vary according to the specific applications.
Please note : The maximum number of users can vary depending on the configuration of the host PC, the type of OS, and administrative privileges. To achieve 30 users from one PC, you must use Microsoft's 2003 Server OS. Windows 2000 and XP only allow for up to 10 users.

Product specifications
- Power : AC110V ~ AC220V 50/60 Hz, 5V/2A
- Size : 140mm(W) x 34mm(H) x 120mm(D)
- Weight : 500g
- Port: DC Power Jack, Speaker Jack, PS2 Keyboard Port, PS2 Mouse Port, Ethernet (RJ- 45) Port, USB Port Video Monitor Port.
- Protocol : AoIP(All over IP)
- Supported OS : Windows 2000 Professional/Server, Windows XP Home/Professional, Windows Server 2003

Minggu, 26 April 2009

Wisata Timur Indonesia

Bali | Indonesia

Bali is one of over 13,000 islands in the Indonesian archipelago and is located just over 2 kilometres from the eastern tip of the island of Java and west of the island of Lombok. The island home of approximately 4 million people is approximately 144 kilometres from east to west and 80 kilometres north to south.

The islands varied landscape of hills and mountains, rugged coastlines and sandy beaches, lush rice terraces and barren volcanic hillsides provide a picturesque backdrop to the colourful and deeply spiritual culture of this 'Island of The Gods'.

Popular places: Jimbaran, Airport, Waterfront, Ubud Beach, Seminyak Beach, Nusa Dua Beach, Mountainside, Jimbaran Beach, Lovina Beach, Legian Beach, Ungasan, Sanur Beach, Kerobokan, Tanjung Benoa Beach. In those areas, there are a lot of 3 star, 4 star and 5 star hotels, and resorts.

Khasiat Sarang Semut


Fakta Tentang Sarang Semut:
Bebas dari Kanker Tanpa Perlu Operasi, Kometerapi, dan Biopsi Hanya dalam Waktu Hitungan Bulan Saja! — Juga Terbukti Ampuh Mengatasi Tumor, TBC, Diabetes, Hipertensi, Lever, Asam Urat, Jantung Koroner, dan Berbagai Penyakit Berat Lainnya — Dikonsumsi Oleh Ribuan Orang Dan Terus Bertambah, Sejak Dipekenalkan 6 Tahun Yang Lalu.
Apakah Anda ingin tahu lebih jauh seputar herbal Sarang Semut? Mengapa begitu berkhasiat? Adakah bukti kesembuhan? Bisakah khasiat herbal ini dijelaskan secara ilmiah? Apakah cocok untuk saya? Dan bagaimana cara mendapatkannya?
Teruskan baca keterangan dibawah ini untuk mendapatkan jawaban semua pertanyaan tersebut. Dan Semoga informasi berharga ini menjadi solusi kesehatan yang mungkin sedang Anda cari! Jadi jangan lewatkan satu kata pun. Selamat membaca!
Artikel Sarang Semut
"Saya yakin Sarang Semut adalah satu obat herbal yang sangat ampuh bisa menolong banyak orang yang penyakitnya susah disembuhkan dengan obat medis. Apalagi sekarang telah didukung dengan penelitian ilmiahnya. Rata-rata mereka meminum... mendapatkan hasil setelah seminggu, bahkan ada yang 3 hari sudah terlihat hasilnya." - Hendro Saputro, Peneliti Sarang Semut, Majalah Natural
Sarang Semut (Myrmecodia pendans) merupakan tanaman yang berasal dari Papua yang secara tradisional telah digunakan oleh penduduk asli Papua untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit secara turun-temurun. Dan sekarang hasil penelitian modern mendapati bahwa tanaman ini mengandung senyawa aktif penting seperti flavanoid, tokoferol, fenolik dan kaya akan berbagai mineral yang berguna sebagai anti-oksidan dan anti-kanker.

Sarang Semut Sudah Diakui Berkhasiat!

Sejak diperkenalkan 6 tahun yang lalu sebagai tanaman obat, pengguna Sarang Semut kini semakin betambah, tidak terbatas di Indonesia, tetapi juga digunakan dibeberapa negara lain, seperti Singapura, Malaysia, Jerman, Belanda, Inggris, dan Amerika Serikat.
Dikenalnya Sarang Semut sebagai tanaman berkhasiat tidak lepas dari gencarnya pemberitaan di media massa, yang berlomba-lomba mengulas tentang keajaiban khasiat Sarang Semut. Beberapa media bahkan menampilkan kesaksian dari mereka yang tersembuhkan oleh Sarang Semut.

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Kamis, 16 April 2009

Surat Dalam Al Quran

| 2.Al-Baqarah | 3.Ali 'Imran | 4.An-Nisa' | 5.Al-Ma'idah | 6.Al-An'am | 7.Al-A’raf | 8.Al-Anfal | 9.At-Taubah | 10.Yunus | 11.Hud | 12.Yusuf | 13.Ar-Ra’d | 14.Ibrahim | 15.Al-Hijr | 16.An-Nahl | 17.Al-Isra' | 18.Al-Kahf | 19.Maryam | 20.Ta Ha | 21.Al-Anbiya' | 22.Al-Hajj | 23.Al-Mu’minun | 24.An-Nur | 25.Al-Furqan | 26.Asy-Syu'ara' | 27.An-Naml | 28.Al-Qasas | 29.Al-'Ankabut | 30.Ar-Rum | 31.Luqman | 32.As-Sajdah | 33.Al-Ahzab | 34.Saba’ | 35.Fatir | 36.Ya Sin | 37.As-Saffat | 38.Sad | 39.Az-Zumar | 40.Al-Mu'min | 41.Fussilat | 42.Asy-Syura | 43.Az-Zukhruf | 44.Ad-Dukhan | 45.Al-Jasiyah | 46.Al-Ahqaf | 47.Muhammad | 48.Al-Fath | 49.Al-Hujurat | 50.Qaf | 51.Az-Zariyat | 52.At-Tur | 53.An-Najm | 54.Al-Qamar | 55.Ar-Rahman | 56.Al-Waqi’ah | 57.Al-Hadid | 58.Al-Mujadilah | 59.Al-Hasyr | 60.Al-Mumtahanah | 61.As-Saff | 62.Al-Jumu’ah | 63.Al-Munafiqun | 64.At-Tagabun | 65.At-Talaq | 66.At-Tahrim | 67.Al-Mulk | 68.Al-Qalam | 69.Al-Haqqah | 70.Al-Ma’arij | 71.Nuh | 72.Al-Jinn | 73.Al-Muzzammil | 74.Al-Muddassir | 75.Al-Qiyamah | 76.Al-Insan | 77.Al-Mursalat | 78.An-Naba’ | 79.An-Nazi’at | 80.'Abasa | 81.At-Takwir | 82.Al-Infitar | 83.Al-Tatfif | 84.Al-Insyiqaq | 85.Al-Buruj | 86.At-Tariq | 87.Al-A’la | 88.Al-Gasyiyah | 89.Al-Fajr | 90.Al-Balad | 91.Asy-Syams | 92.Al-Lail | 93.Ad-Duha | 94.Al-Insyirah | 95.At-Tin | 96.Al-'Alaq | 97.Al-Qadr98.Al-Bayyinah | 99.Az-Zalzalah | 100.Al-'Adiyat | 101.Al-Qari'ah | 102.At-Takasur | 103.Al-'Asr | 104.Al-Humazah | 105.Al-Fil | 106.Quraisy | 107.Al-Ma’un | 108.Al-Kausar | 109.Al-Kafirun | 110.An-Nasr | 111.Al-Lahab | 112.Al-Ikhlas | 113.Al-Falaq | 114.An-Nas

Keterangan: MakkiyahMadaniyah

Portal:Peristiwa terkini

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

9 April 2009 - Indonesia melaksanakan pemilihan umum untuk memilih anggota DPR, DPD, dan DPRD. (The New York Times)
6 - Gempa bumi berkekuatan 6,3 skala Richter mengguncang daerah Abruzzo, Italia; sedikitnya 276 orang tewas dan ribuan lainnya kehilangan tempat tinggal. (BBC)
5 - Gjorge Ivanov memenangi pemilu presiden di Makedonia.
5 - Satelit Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2 yang diluncurkan Korea Utara gagal memasuki orbit dan jatuh di Samudra Pasifik. (BBC)
5 - Lars Løkke Rasmussen menjadi Perdana Menteri Denmark menggantikan Anders Fogh Rasmussen yang terpilih sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal NATO.
3 - Deputi Perdana Menteri Najib Razak disumpah sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia setelah Abdullah Badawi mengundurkan diri sehari sebelumnya. (BBC)
2 - Pertemuan tingkat tinggi Kepala Pemerintahan negara-negara anggota G-20 dibuka secara resmi di London, Inggris. (CNN)
29 Maret - Tim F1 debutan Brawn Grand Prix melalui pembalapnya Jenson Button secara mengejutkan memenangi GP Australia 2009. (detikSport)
27 - Air bah akibat jebolnya tanggul Situ Gintung, di Kelurahan Cirendeu, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan, mengakibatkan sedikitnya 100 korban jiwa dan 300 rumah rusak dan hanyut. Total areal yang terendam air mencapai 10 hektar. (Kompas) (Jakarta Post)
26 - Pelawak senior Timbul Suhardi meninggal dunia pada usia 66 tahun. (detikHot)