Senin, 11 April 2011

Net Control Download Free

Program Net Control berguna untuk melakukan remote control antar computer, mengambil alih fungsi keyboard dan mouse terhadap komputer lain.
Disini anda bisa download secara gratis program Net Control 2 v8.1.1.534.

Major features of Net Control 2 Standard Edition:

Broadcast Desktop - display an image of the Instructor's Desktop on several student computers at the same time
Quiz Player and Quiz Constructor - prepare and administer interactive quizzes and tests. Watch the results of testing in real-time
Remote Desktop - view and control one or several user computers remotely: using a keyboard and mouse
Send and collect files in a single mouse-click, arrange collected files in accordance with the computer name
Control access to the Internet
Make quick polls
Lock and unlock student computers to maintain student attention
Play video and audio materials on several user computers at the same time and in sync with the Instructor's computer
Send various text and graphic messages
File Manager - manage files remotely, copy files to several computers at the same time.
Manage system policies - rules of access to system settings and folders
Program restrictions - prohibit execution of undesirable programs, games, applications.
Speech Manager - speech with several users at a time
Receive and manage help requests from users
Control printing
Use Virtual Whiteboard to share ideas in graphical form between Instructor and Users
Record actions from your Desktop with Desktop Recorder for replay on user computers
Schedule operations

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